
Why Is Equipment Calibration Management Is Important for Manufacturers?

Why Is Equipment Calibration Management Is Important for Manufacturers?

Calibration is a crucial factor especially for organizations related to manufacturing, food products, or packed food. Calibration is one of the least known yet one of the most crucial factors for several major industries. Calibration management enables you to get more control over the procedure. It also assists with better equipment management! In this blog, we will cover all major points related to calibration management! So, let us begin!

What Is Equipment Calibration Management Software?

Alignment is characterized as the examination of estimation esteems conveyed by a gadget under test with those of an adjustment standard of known preciseness.

Equipment calibration management software helps organizations in numerous ways. It enables manufacturing organizations to manage tasks more easily and efficiently.

Equipment calibration management software automates the process of keeping track of all adjustments required in each piece of equipment.

The maintenance team or manager can schedule maintenance and this system alerts the team before 1-day (as per the organization’s adjustment) so that the maintenance team on which asset they need to work on. For this process inspection is done, calibration adjustments are checked after planning and scheduling are done.

Calibration management software not only helps in calibration but also assists in asset repair, maintenance, and operation. Calibration management software is utilized by industries such as the pharmaceutical industry, oil, and gas (oil refining and oil extraction) industry, food production industry.

The market for calibration management software is growing at a great speed. According to the PR Newswire, “incremental growth of USD 59.58 million is expected in the calibration management software market during 2021-2025”.

What Are the Requirements of Equipment Calibration Management?

Requirements of equipment calibration management are as follows:

1. Skilled and Trained Maintenance Team

It is particularly important that the maintenance team is trained and has knowledge of each piece of equipment because these pieces of equipment are extremely complicated and without knowledge, it might take a lot of time to figure out what needs to be done.

2. Establish a Procedure

The calibration procedure is a significant part. It is one of the most basic requirements for equipment calibration management. When there is and calibration procedure it means that everyone knows their role and it makes things simple.

In this process, the instrument for calibration is defined. All things are documented and recorded so that in the future, references can be taken.

3. Record Improvement with Data History

What improvement has been made so far? These types of questions are asked regularly by management. You can answer these types of questions with data assistance.

These are a few of the most common features which are required for equipment calibration management.

What Are the Primary Features of Calibration Management Software?

Primary features of calibration management software are discussed below:

1. Accuracy

One of the most basic and essential features of calibration management software is accuracy. For accuracy, previous records of calibration are checked, and improvements are made accordingly so that better results are achieved.

2. Asset Tracking

Asset tracking keeps assets safe and secured it saves assets from theft and misplacement it does not matter how many assets you have but it is important to keep track of every asset for this purpose you can use asset tags and labels that keep providing accurate information of asset and enables you to let you know asset location all the time.

Each asset tag has a unique identification number that helps the organization in identifying each asset individually. Furthermore, it saves from ghost Assets and eliminates the chances of ghost text sets.

Aesthetics are also useful in calibration adjustment as you can store information off calibration with Asset tags.

3. Calibration Tracking

With automated software calibration tracking it is simple as it alerts you when an asset needs calibration adjustment or its performance starts decreasing.

You can easily schedule asset maintenance and calibration with this software. Moreover, you can check each asset analytics and find out how the asset is performing!

4. Calibration Records

Record all calibration is done & what results are acquired with performed calibration & adjustment. Maintaining calibration records is essential for making improvements. Calibration reports must be shared at defined intervals with management.

Calibration management software simplifies the process for calibration record keeping. Furthermore, calibration records are helpful in discovering crucial information and information assists the organization in making improvements and discovering pitfalls.

With the information, you can make informative decisions. Reports help save unnecessary expenses & make you more productive as well.


Assets are the backbone of the organization. It is important to keep track of them and keep track of their performance as well. When you are in the manufacturing industries or pharmaceutical industries, assets must be performing accurately, and calibration management software helps the organization in doing that.

Therefore, organizations must invest in end calibration management software when accuracy is mandatory. An organization cannot take a chance then quality is required.

If an organization wants to achieve top quality with accuracy, then investing in calibration management software is required. This type of asset management software will help organizations in achieving more accurate results and ensure that quality work is delivered.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What Is the Difference & Similarity Between Calibration and Maintenance?

Calibration is done for maintaining accuracy & for improvement of an asset as well. Whereas maintenance is done to keep assets in good condition and to avoid asset failure. However, calibration adjustment is more complex and needs a highly skilled technician than maintenance.

Both calibration and maintenance help in improving the return on investment (ROI). Both are performed by the maintenance team.

2. What Are the Responsibilities of Calibration Management Software Users?

The responsibilities of a calibration management software user are given below:

1. Users need to inform the management about the equipment if it is not working as per expectations.

2. When the maintenance team is performing calibration, they need to ensure that the inventory is available in stock.

3. Users need to ensure that the equipment is getting maintenance at regular intervals or not. If the equipment does not get maintenance at regular intervals, then maintenance needs to be scheduled.

3. How Is It Decided When Equipment Needs to Be Calibrated or Not?

There are a few main pointers that help in deciding when equipment needs calibration:

1. Schedule calibration (weekly, monthly, or after three months and so on).

2. When the equipment works more than usual or takes a hit.

3. Equipment inspection.

4. According to the specific job need.

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