
What Are the Pros and Cons of Incident Management Software?

What Are the Pros and Cons of Incident Management Software?


Incident management encompasses a set of techniques and activities undertaken to respond to and resolve critical complaints and incidents. Here, we will share how incidents are identified and communicated, who resolves them, and what the pros and cons of incident management software are. Incident management is utilized across various industries. An incident can include anything from IT software and system failures to situations requiring the maintenance of a hospital's equipment, or even basic maintenance of office infrastructure.

Why is Incident Management So Significant?

As we all know, incident management is undertaken to resolve problems. It is an important element of business, required to maintain data compliance standards because data contains sensitive information about clients.

The incident should be resolved as quickly as possible because each incident impacts the productivity of the organization. A quick response may decrease the impact of the incident, minimize damage, and ensure operations continue as expected.

In the absence of incident management, organizations can lose valuable data, experience increased downtime, and see a decrease in productivity, as well as violations of SLA (Service Level Agreement).

Incident management is significant because it improves MTTR (mean time to repair) and reduces downtime. Most importantly, it enhances customer experience and increases customer reliability.

Furthermore, the size of the incident management market is growing. According to Markets and Markets, "The global incident response market size was USD 11.05 billion in 2017 and is projected to reach USD 33.76 billion by 2023, growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 20.3% during the forecast period."

What Are the Advantages of Incident Management Software?

The advantages of incident management software are as follows:

1. All Tickets Are Answered

One of the main advantages of the software is that it allows you to take action on each ticket. Whenever a new ticket is created by a customer, the software ensures that each ticket is answered. If any ticket is left unanswered, an alert is sent by the software to the team about the same. After that, the ticket is allotted to a technician.

2. Increased Employee Productivity

The software provides numbers and analytics for each employee through which they can assess their performance. With the help of data, managers can help technicians resolve tickets more quickly. Additionally, managers can also assist technicians by informing them where they are spending more time or how they can make improvements. Obviously, when a technician's time decreases, customer issues are resolved more quickly, and the organization's productivity, as well as customer satisfaction levels, increase.

3. Quick Resolution

According to the SLA (Service Level Agreement), each ticket is taken into account, and other aspects such as the priority of the ticket are also kept in mind. After that, the ticket is resolved as quickly as possible. Whenever a new ticket arrives, the teams are alerted about the same, and the ticket is then allotted to the customer care support agent. Thereafter, the agent provides a resolution to the customer quickly.

4. Accurate Data

The software provides accurate data because the process is automated, so errors are reduced. Data is very helpful in becoming more productive. The data helps in setting your future goals and also assists in achieving them. In simple words, data can help you understand your current position, and how you can improve your efficiency with proper actions.

What Are the Disadvantages of Incident Management?

The disadvantages of incident management are as follows:

1. Insufficient Information on the Ticket

Whenever a new update is launched in the software or if some new type of issue arises, the support team does not have full information on how to resolve the issues. In that case, the customer can become frustrated. There are incidents which can be serious, repetitive, and some incidents' causes are unknown. However, for businesses, the most lethal is a new type of incident because there is no proper solution for it. For a solution, time is needed, but the customer does not always understand in some scenarios.

2. Access to Sensitive Information

Some employees have access to all types of information, and if any of the employees who have access to the data are not reliable, then a huge business loss can occur. Therefore, only limited and reliable employees must have access to sensitive information. There should be restrictions on data accessibility.

3. Data Hacking

Technology is one of the important parts of development. Without technology, we would be unable to make improvements. Technology is a blessing but it is a curse as well. Data hackers use technologies to steal or manipulate data; it can be lethal for business. Data hacking can be very dangerous for businesses.


An incident can be anything such as a faulty laptop, email issue, printer issue, or internet issue. Incidents can be big or small but these incidents impact the productivity of a particular employee or group of employees. But when one employee's productivity suffers, it means the organization's efficiency suffers. That is why incidents should not be ignored, and incident management software should be utilized.

Incident management software helps in giving quick responses, and with the software, you can know the status of each ticket. It will help in better engagement with the customer. Moreover, you can identify tickets that have slow response times and improvements can be made. For better management of tickets and complaints, one must utilize inventory management software.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the purpose of incident management?

The purpose of incident management is to restore service to normal in the minimum time possible. Incident management ensures that customer problems are resolved as quickly as possible.

What are the various types of incidents?

Mainly there are three types of incidents:

Repetitive incidents - Most of the incidents are common and easily resolved. These incidents are repeated and do not take any time to provide resolution to the problem. These types of incidents keep coming regularly.
Major incidents - These types of incidents impact lots of employees at the same time and businesses also get affected with these incidents. However, incidents are resolved easily.
Complex incidents - Neither they are simple nor they are easy to resolve. These types of incidents need an experienced and more knowledgeable senior technician.

What are the main features of incident management software?

The main features of incident management software are given below:

1. Real-time information
2. Centralized information
3. Alerts & Notifications
4. Set ticket priority
5. Customization
6. Mobile accessible

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