
What Are the Best Incident Management Tips and Practices for a Business?

What Are the Best Incident Management Tips and Practices for a Business?

Incident management is important for organizations as it helps to solve customer problems as quickly as possible. It plays a crucial role in providing quality service to customers. What is an Incident? An incident can be any issue, small or big. The incident creates a hindrance in daily operations. For instance, internet issues or server downtime are some of the most common examples. Sudden asset breakdown is also an example of an incident. The incident creates business impacts and affects productivity. The process of resolving the problem is called incident management. Incident management minimizes the impact of the incident by solving the issue in minimal time. According to Statista, “The value of India's incident response market in 2019 amounted to around four billion Indian rupees. This was estimated to go up to seven billion rupees by 2025. This marked a CAGR of over 12 percent between 2020 and 2025.”

What Are the Best Incident Management Tips for Business?

The best incident management tips for business are discussed below:

1. Invest in Incident Management Software

The first thing you need to do is invest in incident management software. This software will automate your process and tickets will be allotted automatically. It has the potential to solve many problems. This software works in real-time and information is centralized as well. Moreover, ticket details including images & videos can be linked for better understanding. If you want to improve your customer experience, then incident management software is significant. Most importantly, whenever an incident occurs, it gives notifications and alerts to the team. It is also helpful in complying with SLAs (Service Level Agreements). Furthermore, you can get reports that are helpful to the business.

2. Keep the Right People in the Loop

The right people must be notified when an event occurs. Communication is crucial at this important time. However, the manager needs to ensure that the right people are notified. When an incident occurs, customer calls are sometimes normal and sometimes they are angry. When you keep the right people in the loop, the system will ensure that they speak to the right people.

3. Inform the Team About the Updates

Whenever your support team adds a new feature, the helpdesk should know about the update so that they can update clients as well. Some clients understand the features themselves but some don't. So, the helpdesk must know exactly what this feature does and the helpdesk support team can explain the same.

4. Learn & Document Lessons

Whenever a ticket is resolved, there is a lesson in it. Therefore, spend 5 minutes on every ticket for learning the lesson. If the lesson is not mentioned in the knowledge base, you can assist in mentioning the lesson into the knowledge base so that if the same type of query comes in the future, the knowledge base can assist you. Furthermore, you can categorize ticket issues or improve them for a better outcome.

What Are the Best Incident Management Practices for Business?

The best incident management practices for business are as follows:

1. Emphasize Automated Work

Work should be automated as much as possible because it reduces the chances of error and mistakes. Manual work and task allocation compromise accuracy. When inaccuracy rises, productivity decreases, which is not good for incident management. Automated work is accurate and reduces human involvement in work allocation. This is one of the important incident management best practices that change the whole working scenario of the work process.

2. Prioritize Tickets

Tickets must be resolved as per the priority and as per the SLA. Prioritization of work is important because it allows the team to work on critical issues first, then non-critical issues. If the team does not know the priority, they will work on a random basis as a result, critical issue tickets will be left. This kills productivity and time is not properly utilized. So, prioritization of tickets is one of the most crucial best incident management practices.

3. Resolve Incidents Quickly

Ensure that a response is given quickly to customers. After reading the ticket, a resolution is provided. Follow an efficient and effective strategy to resolve the issue as per the priority and SLA as well. Whenever a new ticket is assigned to the technician, it should show the status of the ticket so that other technicians do not work on that ticket as it creates hindrance in the ticketing process and the ticket might take time to solve the issue.

4. Read All Reports Carefully

Reports are very important for business. A business report is a hidden key to success, that is why reports need to be read carefully. It provides a way for improving efficiency so that outcomes increase. Reports can contain employee average time to resolve the issue & where they spend time and how resolution time can be minimized. Improved service means happy customers. The percentage of downtime caused by the issue is also mentioned in the reports. You can compare last year's report to a recent report to check how much improvement has been made so far. If not, then what are the steps you can take to make improvements. Reports help make decisions based on information.


These are a few of the best tips for incident management and best practices. These tips and practices can be very helpful to your business. However, incident management software is the game changer, especially if you want to take your business to another level by providing the best service to your customers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the incident management process flow?

Below is the incident management process flow:

1. Incident logging

2. Incident classification

3. Prioritization of tickets

4. Ticket Analysis & diagnosis

5. Ticket resolution and closure

What is the role of the manager in incident management?

The role of the incident manager is discussed below:

1. Minimize the impact of the incident

2. Comply with SLA

3. Communicate with customers at different levels

4. Keep the team motivated

5. Coordinate with other teams

What are the benefits of incident management software?

The benefits of incident management software are as follows:

1. Better productivity

2. Fast & effective incident resolution

3. Prioritize tasks

4. Automated process

5. Customized alert & notification

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