
5 Essential Features of a Cloud-Based Incident Management Software

5 Essential Features of a Cloud-Based Incident Management Software

Do you know that a lot of businesses suffer from a huge loss due to incidents! Incident management is very important to avoid these issues. Incident management provides several benefits to the organization and it assists managers by making their work simple.

That is why the organization must invest in a cloud-based incident management system. In this blog, you will discover an essential feature of incident management software. But let us cover the basics first!

What Is Incident and Incident Management?

An incident can be any event that interrupts operation or service and due to which organizations and employee's productivity suffers. A simple example of the incident is the internet is not working, post which you inform the service provider then the service provider checks what is the issue, why it is coming!

After that, the root cause is identified and the service of the internet is restored which is called incident management.

However, most of the time incident resolving is a simple task. It can be time-consuming and technicians have a lot of pressure to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Incidents may seem simple but actually, they are not always straight sometimes they are very complicated for instance data breaching. We know that today one of the most important assets an organization owns is data. Nowadays keeping data secure is a challenge in itself.

According to Statista,  “This statistic shows the number of data breaches worldwide in 2019, sorted by victim industry and organization size.” That year, the global Manufacturing, Information, Healthcare, Finance, Education industry experienced a total of 381, 360, 521, 448, 228 security incidents respectively with confirmed data loss.

What Are the Main Features of a Cloud Incident Management Software?

The main features of a Cloud-based Incident Management Software:

1. Notifications

Notifications are important, they keep employees updated about the work. For instance, whenever a new ticket is generated the manager is notified and when the manager allots this ticket to the specific employee then he also gets notified. The notification is sent via mobile notification, SMS, e-mail.

In case if any technician has not worked on a ticket then again, he is notified about the ticket. Since this is cloud-based software so either you are in the office or somewhere else you will be notified.

2. Centralized Information

One of the most important features of the incident management system is keeping a concerned person in the loop. It does not matter where you are because you will be notified whenever any event occurs (specifically when it is related to you). This feature does the same.

Whenever a ticket is generated it keeps everyone informed about what actions are taken to resolve the incident. It keeps every ticket tracked so that no tickets go unnoticed. Managers can update their clients accordingly with this centralized information feature. The status of each ticket can be seen in this software.

3. Reports

Reports need to be accurate otherwise they will not be effective. Thus, reports need to be created with automated software so that accuracy is not compromised. They help make business more effective. For instance, with reports, you can find an average time to resolve an incident. You can also find where you are giving more time and how it can be reduced!

Reports help identify obstacles and they also assist in overcoming them. In simple words, reports can provide great insight into an organization so that you can boost productivity and employee performance. With cloud technology, you can have access to the reports anywhere and data is kept in an encrypted form and there is multiple level security.

4. Ticket Categorization

Each ticket is categorized as per the issue defined within the ticket. The priority of each ticket depends on the urgency and impact.

Tickets contain issues that an organization or some specific employee is facing, these issues can be either small or huge. Thus, it is important to categorize issues and this software is designed in a way that it automatically understands the issue and categorizes accordingly.

When a ticket is categorized then technicians are in a better position to understand the ticket and act as per the priority of the ticket. Furthermore, they also ensure that system-level agreement (SLA) is followed.

5. Automated Workflow and Form

Sometimes when work is done manually then paperwork such as forms has some kind of error or mistake. As a result, when you backtrack them you don't get concrete answers as the information entered is not correct.

But with this software, you can get the digital form as they are easy to find and more accurate! It also allows you to put pictures and videos which can be very useful in retrieving information. With cloud technology, you can check the form and update it from anywhere across the world.


The best incident management software is software that provides end to end solutions that investigate & analyze errors and provide accurate reports through which managers can work and find the best solution. The best incident management system should simplify the work of managers, technicians so that resolution can be provided at the earliest.

Many organizations worry about data security one additional feature cloud technology provides is that it is the responsibility of the service provider to keep information safe. Furthermore, you can access the information from anywhere with cloud technology.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many types of incidents an organization faces?

There are several types of incidents: some are common incidents (simple and usual to solve), complex incidents (not easy to figure out what is the issue), major incidents (they do not occur quite often but when it occurs it impacts lots of people), repetitive incidents (comes again and again).  

What is SLA in incident management?

SLA stands for system-level agreement. It defines the level of service which a customer expects from service providers. If the service level is not achieved by the service provider then the customer will be disappointed. Most of the time SLA is between customer and service provider, however, it can be between two departments of the same organization.  

What is the purpose of incident management?

The purpose of incident management is to restore service in minimum time. As it decreases the efficiency of the employee as well as the organization. This system-level agreement is also checked & ensures that it is maintained. With the quality & top-notch service customer is satisfied.

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