
Why Healthcare Facilities Must Implement CMMS?

CMMS for Healthcare Facility

Healthcare facilities have a lot of assets and pieces of equipment and nowadays technologies in all areas of the health industry are improving. However, several healthcare facilities still manage assets manually. When you manage assets manually it becomes more hectic and complex because.

In the healthcare industry, there are lots of assets and inventory to manage. This is where CMMS software comes into play. What exactly is CMMS software? And what are the benefits it can provide to health care facilities that we will explore in this blog now? So, without wasting any time, let us begin.

What Is CMMS Software?

CMMS (Computerized maintenance management system) software is very helpful to organizations in maintaining assets to their full capacity. It automates the maintenance process and eliminates the manual process. CMMS software mainly focuses on asset maintenance, so that asset life is prolonged and maintenance expenses are decreased.

It makes assets more reliable and minimizes sudden asset failure chances. When sudden asset failure chances are decreased then asset maintenance expenses are decreased in the long term. It makes assets more reliable. And when assets are reliable, they work for long hours and maximize production.

So, it increases the productivity of the organization and Employees as well. Most importantly, it automates the maintenance work & maintenance scheduling process. It alerts the team for each upcoming asset maintenance work.

Other than this it also provides reports through which businesses can reach out on conclusive decisions. Without this software organizations make decisions based on assumptions based on solid information. You can decide long-term goals and all with reports assistance.

According to Statistics of Verified Market Research, “CMMS Software Market size was valued at USD 913.58 Million in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 1,721.02 Million by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 8.41% from 2021 to 2028.”

What Are the Benefits of CMMS Software for Healthcare Facilities?

The benefits of CMMS for healthcare facilities are discussed below:

1. Maintenance Tracking

Hospitals are full of complex equipment which needs to be checked regularly. No doctor would want that while performing some surgery equipment stop working that is why ensuring equipment gets maintenance regularly is important.

CMMS software ensures that each asset gets maintenance. With this software, staff can clean and sanitize surgical equipment on time easily and efficiently. Furthermore, with CMMS software you can know which asset got maintenance and when it got maintenance.

2. Health Monitoring

For hospitals, there are assets that can be equipment, devices but patients are also counted as assets. To take care of the health of patients, asset tracking techniques such as Barcode and RFID wristbands are used.

Through which patients are monitored with real-time information. Doctors can schedule medicine for patients so that nurses know which patient needs medication.

Similarly, each piece of equipment’s health monitoring can be done easily and effectively. You can note down improvements with this system so that improvisation can be made.

3. Security

When machines and equipment are maintained then they provide security to the whole team. Some equipment releases dangerous gases or does not work efficiently which can hurt someone.

No one would have any type of catastrophic equipment failure or any kind of incident, that is why providing regular maintenance on time is essential which will create a safer environment for everyone.

4. Easy Audit & Compliance

Every organization must adhere to rules and regulations made by the government including the healthcare sector. CMMS software will help you in achieving compliance, especially related to asset health and monitoring.

Furthermore, the organization’s precious time is consumed in auditing procedures as assets can be at different locations. But with this software, you can easily and quickly perform audits.

It is totally basic that the medical services office keeps up with top standards during audit performance. CMMS helps in gathering all the fundamental data and producing exact reports for audits & reviews as the year progresses.

5. Accurate Data & Reports

CMMS provides crucial information and data of each asset and equipment. It lets you know each asset's performance and enables you to know How the asset is performing? Through which you can collect information that will help you in optimizing asset performance.

Similarly, you can monitor a patient’s health and plan accordingly to improve a patient’s health. Furthermore, reports are helpful in discovering bottlenecks and allow us to overcome these issues.


CMMS Software comes with lots of advantages for all industries including healthcare facilities. There is no doubt that it can add value to healthcare facilities by decreasing maintenance expenses and enhancing asset life.

With maintenance tracking, you can know which asset needs maintenance. Furthermore, this software notifies the maintenance team of upcoming maintenance and creates work orders for maintenance.

After which the maintenance team can set the status of each work order and the manager can see as well as this system centralizes information. CMMS can boost your business and save you from unnecessary expenses.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Are the Other Benefits of CMMS Software?

This software enables you to create a checklist for the maintenance of each asset. It is a very useful feature for the maintenance team as they know all the activities that need to be done in advance. It saves time and the manual process is eliminated. Furthermore, maintenance managers can set the priority of work order so that more productive work is done, and the maintenance team works as per the priority, so it increases productivity.

Does CMMS Software Track Inventory as Well?

Inventory is required for performing effective asset maintenance. Now inventory can be anything such as spare parts, oil filter, engine oil. As we know, while performing maintenance the team needs to remove rusty parts. And new parts are installed. So, it is important to keep track of the inventory that is required by the maintenance teams. So that effective maintenance work is delivered. So, yes with CMMS software you can keep track of inventory as well.

What Are the Different Types of Assets Equipped in a Hospital Facility?

Lights, HVAC, Surgical equipment, ECG machines, MRI Machines, X-ray machines, generators, heart monitoring machines, condensers, compressors other types of inventories such as masks, gloves, sanitizers, personal protective equipment (PPE). These are a few of the assets and inventories found in the hospital facility.

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