
What Are the Benefits of CMMS Mobile App in Business?

CMMS Mobile App

A computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) is a powerful tool used for maintenance. As it keeps assets in good condition. It is very beneficial for all the business sectors. CMMS mobile app is more effective for asset maintenance.

As we know these days, application is a very important part of the business. Mobile is no longer an ordinary device used in communication; Now mobile has a bigger role to play. Any task can be done quickly and easily with the mobile application.

Businesses use an application to provide a better experience to the customer and to engage them efficiently. When you combine CMMS with the mobile application. Great things can be achieved.

What Are the Benefits of the CMMS Mobile App?

There are numerous benefits to the CMMS mobile app:

1. Update Work Order Details

When employees are performing maintenance on a machine then they have finished work and after that, they return to their workstation to update work status. For example, what activities are done on how many are left, and spare parts or inventory required to complete the work order.

However, with the CMMS mobile app you can comment that too in real-time. It means you do not have to wait and return to your work seat to update work order details that you can do right then and there. It also keeps the manager updated about the requirement.

With mobile access, the technician can see their work schedule so they can plan their work better and organize in a better way.

2. Asset Information on Fingertips

With mobile access, you can access data from anywhere across the world. When you have all the data on your system or mobile. Then you can efficiently & easily manage your assets. Without CMMS, keeping track of asset maintenance would be a very tough task and time-consuming as well. But CMMS mobile, not only data is accessed from anywhere but also within minutes.

3. Track Work Order on the Go

The mobile application empowers the managers and other team members to track work order information without wasting time. You are not bounded to your workstation

If any work order arrives which has high priority then you can schedule and alert the responsible technician at the same time. He will also be notified about work order responsibility.

If work orders are finished on time then you can speak to the technicians and ask for the reason & you can update the customer about the same!

4. Schedule Work as Per Your Convenience

There are lots of work orders coming every day and there can be emergency work orders.

What will happen when you are not available in the office?

CMMS mobile app allows you to set the priority of work order. You can easily manage work order when you are away from your office. High priority tasks can be scheduled as per the requirement.

5. Manage Inventory Remotely

Inventory is very crucial for business and having control over inventory avoids costly problems and it is good for business. For managing inventory highly experience is required. Things can go wrong when managers are not present to manage inventory.

CMMS mobile allows them to manage inventory when they are not available in the office. Similarly, if inventory is not utilized or not managed properly then it can result in wastage of inventory.

Moreover, maintaining the quantity at the right level is also important. Having the right spare part in hand when required is significant otherwise it will not produce and can increase maintenance expenses unnecessarily.

All these issues can occur if the inventory manager is not available in the office. Thanks to the CMMS mobile app now managers can track and manage inventory when they are on a business tour or away from the office.

What Are the Activities That Can Be Done with Infizo's CMMS Mobile App?

Infizo's CMMS mobile is capable of doing many things such as:

  • This app allows you to add asset details, update information. Overall, you can manage assets with ease
  • With smartphone scan barcode tags & QR code tags and retrieve asset information.
  • Technicians can see activities (checklist) and tickets (work order) assigned to them.
  • The technician can add video, pictures showing the ongoing progress of maintenance activity.
  • Whenever a ticket is assigned, the technician will be notified via SMS, mobile notification & email.
  • CMMS mobile app empowers to scan multiple barcodes at once.
  • Managers can access asset data in offline mode.
  • Tickets can be generated by the system and mobile app as well.
  • For keeping track of each maintenance done, activities are done and cost & inventory used all these sorts of information is kept.
  • Scheduling equipment maintenance as per the priority.
  • As per the usage of asset define maintenance frequency (daily weekly monthly etc.)
  • Managers can see how many work orders are left; how many are in process & how many are finished!
  • Reports are generated that help make a decision.

There is no doubt that the CMMS mobile app is very useful to everyone, especially for the maintenance department. CMMS has its benefits and mobile application has its benefits independently, and together they allow you to keep track of maintenance on the go. As we said above, when you bring them together it can be very beneficial for business growth.

Mobile is very helpful in keeping things organized. Similarly, managers are capable of managing office work even when they are not in their office or away from the office. CMMS mobile app is capable of making the organization more productive and improves the daily work procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does CMMS mobile app improve MRO?

Things get organized with CMMS as technicians work systematically, so maintenance repairing operations improve. On the other hand, when customers and managers see the activity that occurs in real-time it provides customer satisfaction. Employees can add comments, pictures, and videos to show work in progress.

How mobile apps can increase sales in business?

According to Statista, “Number of mobile app hours per user in the United States in June 2016. Users aged 25 to 34 years accessed mobile apps via smartphone for an average of 85.6 hours.”
If your business does not have a mobile app then you can improve odds by creating an app to grow sales.

Which maintenance type is best for the construction industry?

Preventive maintenance is the best maintenance type for the construction industry because it emphasizes working on a potential issue. After all, they become a problem.

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