
How Is RFID Software Revolutionizing the Hospitality Industry?

RFID Asset Tracking in Hospitality Industry

RFID was once viewed as a costly and incoherent technology. But in recent years the radio frequency identification technology has been most successful especially in asset tracking & asset management.

It was invented in 1948 and initially used for military applications. Now in today's world RFID is used in many industries for many reasons. One of those industries is the hospitality industry.

The hospitality industry is one of the fastest-growing industries. According to Statista, the retail value of the global hotel industry had 466.57 billion U.S. dollars in 2014 and in 2018 it was above 600 above billion U.S. dollars.

We know one of the most important things in the hospitality industry is customer experience.

But How RFID helpful in achieving the same?

We are discussing below, how RFID software assisting the hospitality industry!

RFID Software Revolutionizing the Hospitality Industry

Also Read: Which Industries are using RFID for Asset Tracking?

RFID increases Customer Experience

The hospitality industry is consistently looking for cost-saving approaches in order to upgrade customer experiences, enhance operational efficiencies in any possible way.

For instance, RFID software can let you know, for how much time the customer waits after ordering food! How that time can be reduced! Removing unnecessary operation activity.

Specifically, if we speak about, the individual hotel network (chain) is continually competing with one another to convey quality and deliver creative services to attract clients and increase brand loyalty & global presence.

In the hospitality industry, customer service is a big factor & it is considered the heart of hospitality. From the moment the customer check-in & till the customer check-out from the hotel, the team always tries to make customer experience special in every way. The hotel ensures that customer having a great time because the hotel team would want that each customer always returns to their hotel only.

RFID tag helps hotels in understanding their customers. Few hotels offer RFID enabled cards to their frequent travelers. These RFID cards work as a room key.

Some hotel brands provide RFID enabled wristbands, through which they keep track of their guest activity. Thus, the information is utilized to engage them with better activities in order to create a great customer experience.

Great Vehicle Management

Numerous hospitality foundations have huge fleets of vehicles or need to manage the parking, washing, and management of lots of vehicles belonging to customers.

Or on the other hand, you may contract fleets of vehicles company during occasions or periods of high movement. Accelerating the process of vehicles while keeping up security is a tough task.

By putting an RFID tag on the vehicle, you can identify and log the vehicles and different vehicles that enter the parking, premises or some other assigned area.

The security software can be integrating with other software and it can trigger the entryway to open automatically once the vehicle identified. This also keeps up an entry & exit leave log for security reasons.

Also Read: 5 Big Brands that Uses RFID Technology in Business Smartly

RFID helps in Asset Tracking

A luxury hotel has lots of valuable items. And you would agree with us that the spreadsheet technique for asset tracking is not a very effective tool to take care of items.

Especially when they are very costly for an example if the laptop is lost then you not only lose a valuable item, but also essential data stored on the laptop.

So, tracking each & every asset is a very crucial task. RFID software not only helps in you keeping track, but it also enables you to keep information about who has used it last time.

RFID software improves inventory management and asset management to increase their return on investment.

As we are speaking about RFID asset tracking, some hotel also tracks its employees via RFID enabled cards. These wristbands provide employee's attendance, real-time location and keep track of if any of the employees are trying to make unauthorized access in the restricted area.

RFID provides Inventory Tracking & Control

RFID asset tracking system helps in keeping track of inventory. A hotel has a lot of inventories to take care of, without taking software assistance, it will be a hectic and exhausting job. Even after that, there is no surety of inventories lost or stolen.

Therefore, RFID software is a necessity. Hotel inventories include bedsheets, electronic equipment, staff uniforms, silverware, towels, comforters, and other items.

All these items are RFID labeled; RFID software not only helps in keep track of them but also assists in cleaning them properly via RFID label.

It also ensures that clean laundry products or safety inventory are always accessible, and their shrinkage can be decreased. You will always how much stock is left? When do you need to re-order? RFID software provides you with complete control over your inventory.

Maintenance Management

When a customer check-out from the hotel, a big probability that a customer is leaving for the airport or railway station. The hotel provides transport service & on the way the vehicle halts due to some engine problem.

As a result, the customer gets disappointed & late for his onward journey. You would not want that, would you? Nobody wants costly unexpected maintenance & upset customer.

An RFID tag can store information about maintenance activities. It will automatically send you notification or alert on your smartphone or email-id for the maintenance activity of the vehicle.

When maintenance is done at regular intervals your asset lifespan and efficiency will increase. You will easily avoid risky situations.

Maintenance Management with RFID
Also Read: 7 Major Sectors Using RFID Technology for Asset Management


RFID software disentangles from numerous hotel tasks. They can upgrade your visitor experience, make stock control simpler and easier to track your business. It helps to improve the overall customer service quality and performance but also improves the bottom line.

However, if customer service is not as per the expectation of the customer or if they face any inconvenience. They do not hesitate to share the issue on social media. And we all know the power of social media.

Therefore, one wrong move can ruin the image of the hotel. Thus, everything should be perfect, and this goal can only be achieved with RFID software.

Above we have only mentioned a few ways to utilize the RFID software. There are several other ways also. Interested in finding out how can Asset Infinity can help your organization via RFID? Schedule a Free demo now!

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