
What Are the Major Objectives of the Maintenance Management System?

Objectives of Maintenance Management

Some organizations use proactive maintenance strategies for keeping assets in good condition and some use reactive maintenance strategies and other organizations use both these practices. So how will you decide which type of maintenance strategy will work best for your organization that we will cover in this blog! Other than that, we will know the objective of maintenance management, what are the benefits of using reactive & proactive maintenance management. So, let us begin.

Before that let us cover the basics first!

What Is Maintenance Management?

Maintenance management is the process of monitoring and maintaining assets in the best condition.

The aim of maintenance management is to reduce downtime, minimize maintenance expenses, optimize asset performance, etc. to achieve this objective search for regularly inspected and monitored so that whenever any issue occurs maintenance is performed quickly.

If assets are not maintained then production work delays, wastage of resources occurs, and productivity suffers. If issues are not resolved, then it can become a chaotic process.

Until a few years ago everything used to be manual and inaccurate as they used the pen and paper method. But not anymore, thanks to CMMS software, trained employees, best practices & organized strategy.

How Maintenance Management Systems Be Helpful?

Maintenance management systems such as CMMS can be extremely helpful as it automates the process of maintenance and enables organizations to keep track of maintenance and plan maintenance accordingly.

This software is helpful in avoiding sudden equipment failure by providing proactive maintenance and scheduling them as per the requirement.

This software is helpful to the maintenance team as the team enables them to create a checklist for each maintenance work order.

With the checklist feature, the maintenance manager can create a checklist of what are the activities that need to be done in each maintenance work order, and the maintenance team can check each activity so that no work is escaped.

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CMMS software comes with preventive maintenance, and it sends alerts to the maintenance team about upcoming maintenance. In this process, the asset is inspected thoroughly at regular intervals and rusty parts and wear & tear parts are removed, and new parts are installed.

It keeps equipment stable and performance improvement can be seen in each asset.

According to Verified Market Research, “CMMS Software Market size was valued at USD 913.58 Million in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 1,721.02 Million by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 8.41% from 2021 to 2028.”

What Is the Objective of Maintenance Management?

Below we have discussed the objective of maintenance management:

1. Minimize Asset Sudden Breakdown

One of the major objectives of maintenance management is to minimize sudden equipment failure. It is one of the major reasons for utilizing maintenance management software to avoid sudden equipment failure.

In order to avoid equipment failure, an organization must utilize maintenance management software. as this system provides alerts and notifications in advance and maintenance is scheduled proactively.

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2. Optimize Asset Performance

Asset performance is analyzed regularly with maintenance management software. Lots of organizations provide maintenance and do not pay attention to little details which leads to decreased asset performance.

However, you can avoid it with this software as this software provides alerts when performance level is decreased and for this purpose, you can put KPI (key performance indicators).

3. Increase Asset Life

If assets are not maintained then asset failure can occur, and the inside part of the machine also suffers as pressure increases on them. It impacts the quality of assets and as a result, its productive life and efficiency decreases.

On the other hand, when assets get maintenance regularly then asset performance is optimized, and asset performance is increased. But it also leads to increased asset life because whenever a small issue is noticed maintenance is scheduled. It leads to better utilization of assets and increases asset life as well.

4. Decrease Maintenance Expenses

When assets are broken, or sudden failure occurs it leads to huge maintenance expenses as sudden equipment failure needs to be brought back into running condition so that work can be restarted.

However, when an organization is equipped with CMMS, it can easily minimize maintenance costs as this software ensures that every asset gets maintenance regularly.


These are the main objectives of maintenance management. If you want to utilize assets to their full efficiency, then investing in CMMS is essential.

With best practice and CMMS, you can maintain the quality of the asset and bring asset downtime to the lowest. Since CMMS centralizes information, you can run daily maintenance operations smoothly.

Since this software automates the maintenance process and keeps track of maintenance. It collects valuable information that is helpful in making decisions. It provides crucial intel that lets the maintenance manager know how each asset is performing.

You get detailed maintenance reports and analytics that help in setting future goals for the asset & maintenance team. undoubtedly this software helps in optimizing return on investment so every asset-intensive organization must utilize CMMS software.

Also Read: Basic Characteristics and Objectives of Corrective Maintenance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q.1 - How Is Asset Tracking for Maintenance Done?

For asset tracking, asset tag or label is attached to the asset. These tags utilize asset tracking technology. There are various asset tracking technologies available such as barcode, QR (Quick Response) code, RFID (Radio-frequency identification), GPS (Global positioning system), BLE (Bluetooth low energy), IoT (Internet of Things), NFC (Near field communication), etc. You can choose according to your need which one will be suitable for your business.

Q.2 - Which Type of Maintenance Is Best Suited for Secondary Assets?

An asset can be categorized into two categories primary assets and secondary assets. Primary assets are those assets on which an organization relies heavily as they are essential for running day-to-day operations. On the other hand, secondary assets are those which are not essential for daily operations as without them work can be done. For secondary assets, organizations can utilize corrective maintenance, and run to failure maintenance.

Q.3 - Does CMMS Software Provide Real-Time Visibility?

Yes, CMMS software provides real-time visibility. Real-time information is also helpful in strategic business decisions.

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