
Without Asset Management Software, Managing Assets in Excels & Spreadsheets

asset tracking spreadsheet

What is your priority whenever you need to update the information of a specific asset history recorded on your excel register? Well, I guess the first step you did was switch from a physical asset register to a computer (laptop, desktop). The following procedure must be a series of a hectic job.

You put in efforts to sort out the required folder from the main folder. Then you crawled into the files which are arranged in alphabetical or date order.  Finally, you found it! But was that the end of the task? No, it is just the beginning of the actual work.

You might take a whole day evaluating the data of assets on your spreadsheet in pursuit of one particular asset. At the same time, you must complete the job by the deadline.

Problems of Entanglement with a Spreadsheet

In the asset management system, a tangible asset may have its details like product name, batch number, purchase date, utility, location, and quality condition. This information needs to be updated whenever a transaction of the asset takes place.

An excel spreadsheet has a complicated feature. Every time you manage the data on a spreadsheet, you feel like you are being caught in a fishnet. Those lines and boxes are often hypnotized or confuse you.

Documenting or updating the data on such a complicated spreadsheet can devour your valuable time. It can also create enormous errors if the capacity of asset information is huge.

Also Read: What Are the Advantages of Asset Tracking Software Over Spreadsheets?

Asset Management Software Can Rescue You from the Jumble

Asset management software provides you a straightforward method of documenting and recording asset and equipment information.

On our dynamic platform on which you can customize the assets information in a viable way. You can easily add or remove any field or category from the online application. On a spreadsheet, adding or removing data on a spreadsheet cannot be done concurrently.

You need to manually update all the fields of a specific asset when the asset is being allocated. On the other hand, the asset maintenance software provides you a facility that allows you to rearrange and update the information without crashing other fields.

With asset management software you can easily manage all assets with an asset tracking spreadsheet. You will get all the information and data on these spreadsheets.

It eliminates old mistakes if someone edits data by mistake then the timestamp is stored to keep track of when data is changed.

It ensures that accuracy is maintained. Moreover, when unusual data is entered it show pops up, so human errors are also reduced within this asset tracking spreadsheet. As a result, productivity s improved.

Compile All Your Attachments in One Application

There are cases when you need to attach additional information to your asset management system. For instance, you want to attach the details like images, manuals, driving instructions, and other documents of a car in the register.

On a spreadsheet, you could only add the hyperlink of the page where the details can be seen from it. You will have to modify and arrange the field according to the length of the link.

Another problem you cannot instantly access the strewed information placed in different locations.

Recommend To Read: Importance and Best Practices of Maintaining a Fixed Asset Register

With asset maintenance software, you can attach any of these files like documents, images, PDF files of the purchase order, insurance, invoice number, vendor information, and warranty.

Asset Infinity allows you to create a group of assets and add there the assets that are linked together. These linked assets can be moved together during the check-in, check-out, or discard process.

Not Yet Done with Misinformation of Assets?

There may be assets that look alike. That is why all the assets need to go through a verification process during the register entry. On a spreadsheet, you need to review the asset's character attentively to avoid confusing situations.

However, there will always be a doubt about the information you enter on the Excel sheet. Human error could affect credibility.

Equipment tracking software allows you to generate barcodes or QR codes for single or multiple assets. You can retrieve your assets using the code scanner.

With Asset Infinity, you can assign single or multiple assets to different users, departments, locations, or any custom information while allotting the assets. The expiry date of the assets allotted can be defined to get reminders for retrieving.

Share Your Spreadsheet Info Using Asset Management Software

Share Your Spreadsheet Info Using Asset Management Software
Read Also: How Does Asset Management Benefit Facilities Across an Organization?

If your asset management is carried out on an Excel sheet, you can't instantly share the updated information with others. First, you need to refurbish the information and share the latest material.

Furthermore, multiple users cannot be assigned to one spreadsheet.

Too many hands on one complicated folio could spoil everything. Only one user can use one asset tracking spreadsheet. Moreover, with asset tracking spreadsheets you can keep track of assets but also keep track of inventory as well.

With Asset Infinity, unlimited users are created with information like name, email, address, phone number, department, reporting manager, employee ID, and whether the user is an approver or not.

They can edit the asset information using asset tracking management software. Roles and permissions of admin and employee are given in separately.

Asset infinity software comes with mobile technology and cloud technology. It means that you can access data from anywhere across the world.

You can make changes in the work schedule or set priorities so that more productive work is delivered.

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