
Top 5 Features of Asset Tracking Software for AV Industry

Asset Tracking Software for AV Industry

Recently, AV (Audiovisual) industry has emerged as one of the fastest-growing industries. From videoconferencing to the movie theatre, from education to entertainment. AV technology is found almost everywhere.

AV organizations have fewer assets compared to hotels or manufacturing industries. However, each & every asset of AV companies are very costly. If any of the assets does not work then it can create a huge problem for the management.

Therefore, asset tracking software comes really handy. It provides great assistance to the whole organization. AV industry is so vast & huge as it is connected to education, media, entertainment, government, etc.

This is the reason asset management software must be flexible in order to assist AV experts to manage their assets and equipment, reduce asset theft & deterrence, and enhance accountability. However, there are several challenges in the AV industry.

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What are the challenges for the AV industry?

If your organization providing AV equipment on rent (Audiovisual equipment rental services) then the most common challenges for AV industry are as follow:

Booking issues - Conflicts will undoubtedly emerge when there are a lot of customers hoping to book the same asset or equipment. If these issues aren't settled in a timely manner, it prompts client disappointment.

Unable to track location - A significant issue with AV equipment leasing is that the leased assets can't be monitored when they leave the system, making it hard to track their flow, in order to know if they are at the right location or not.

Equipment upkeep problem - When proper upkeep of equipment & asset is not done regularly, it definitely affects business productivity. Organizations should follow the preventive maintenance method but most of them fail in doing so. As a result, an unexpected breakdown of asset is seen, this also impacts the business bottom line.

Useful features of asset tracking software for the AV industry

Here are some most useful features of asset tracking software for the AV industry:

1. Global Asset Tracking

If you try to keep track of assets manually then you will only get incorrect information and more importantly, at the most needful time, you won't get what you require.

But through asset tracking software you will able to keep a close eye to all your assets, tools & equipment you own. It will let you know, how many assets you own, where is your asset is located, who has which asset, what is the asset's condition and so on.

2. Asset & Equipment Maintenance

Maintained assets, tools & equipment are very important for the media industry. As they cannot afford the unexpected breakdown of the asset. These types of instances can cause work delays which is not good for a news media organization. Hence, Asset infinity's media asset management software handles all these sudden breakdowns very smoothly.

To manage assets glitches & malfunctioning, asset tracking software lets you plan preventive maintenance. Regardless of whether it's a wrecked camera lens or a non-operational mic, all these issues can be fixed via scheduling maintenance.

Therefore, you would not have to stress over asset & equipment breakdowns when you head out to cover your next news story event!

3. Identify Non-Productive Assets

A big company that has several assets in several locations. There are lots of assets some of them are not working (need maintenance) or rarely come into use.

So, these types of assets are just surrounding space & being a burden on the company. With asset tracking software you can identify these less useful assets and replace them with some other productive & useful asset.

Also Read: How Are Asset Tracking and Inventory Tracking Different?

4. Increasing Asset Life Via Preventive Maintenance

It is considered most crucial because by performing it at regular intervals it operates under the safe condition. This activity creates a risk-free environment for employees and machines. It avoids uncertainty factor & equipment failure.

Also, it plays an important role in predicting future issues. Not just that it also optimizes the equipment performance for better output. It saves lots of money & increases equipment lifespan.

It schedules the maintenance of the asset. Those assets which are not maintained generally end in unexpected breakdowns, expensive repair and frequently change in parts of a machine.

Performing Preventive maintenance is the most ideal approach to avoid unanticipated equipment failure which also increases their lifespan.

5. Streamline Check-In Check-Out

When an audio or video equipment is given or taken on rent then the challenge is to keep proper records of each equipment.

Another challenge is controlling the number of individuals that handles those pieces of equipment.


"How many people have used one particular camera?" or "Who is liable for logging and tracking the area, client, and working state & condition of any equipment?" or "Which things are still under guarantee and which aren't?" or "What number of things need preventive upkeep or repair?" or even "What number of assets are not in a working state and either they should be replaced or discarded?"

The answer to all these questions & problems is asset tracking software.

The software's one of the most important features is check-in and check-out, it lets you know which equipment is assigned to whom!

Not just that, with software assistance, you will be able to track thousands of shared pieces of equipment across your teams with ease. You can use automatically generated reports to identify trends for better future planning.

How does exactly the asset tracking software help?

The process is very easy! The software tracks the equipment & assets with the help of an asset tracking technique. There are several options for it such as Barcode, QR Code, RFID, GPS, etc.

Let's take the example of a barcode, a barcode sticker is labeled on a product or item and it gives a unique identification to a product or package. Through which you can find information about the product via scanning this sticker.

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Every asset and equipment of the AV industry is expensive. If one asset or equipment is not found on time or not functioning properly then it can ruin the whole event.

Features of Asset Tracking Software in AV Industry informs you about how many fixed assets you own, what is the exact location of an asset, or what's the condition of that asset. It can give you notification & alert when an asset needs maintenance.

When your assets tools & equipment are maintained your business will be more productive. Therefore, it will impact your business in a positive way & attain future goals.

We at Asset Infinity are fully capable of enabling your business to accomplish all AV related asset & equipment tracking! You can also schedule a free demo with us.

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