
Advantages of Contract Management System for the Real Estate Industry

Contract Management System in Real Estate Industry

The Real Estate Industry may seem simple! Two parties come together, one is the seller and the other one is the buyer and they agree on each other terms and conditions and then they are abided by the contract!

The contract is made so that no change can be done until another party agrees. Contract management is critical for business. But manual contract management will be exhausting work that is why real state organizations need a contract management system.

An organization has several contracts with several parties. It includes employees as well. However, if you are not sure what does it mean or how does it work! Let us cover basic first!

What Is Contract Management?

Contract management is the procedure of managing contracts. It includes creation execution and termination of the contract. Major activities include analysis against the mentioned terms &conditions to boost operational and economic performance.

Contract management incorporates negotiating the terms and conditions in contracts. Moreover, it also ensures compliance with the terms and conditions. Contract management can be categorized into 3 phases pre-contract phase, execution of contract phase & post-contract phase.

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What Is the Objective of the Contract Management System?

The motivation behind agreement the executives is to guarantee that all gatherings to the agreement completely meet their commitments as productively and viably as could reasonably be expected, conveying the business and operational yields required from the agreement and offering some benefit for cash.

It additionally secures the privileges of the gatherings and guarantees required execution when conditions change.

Agreement the executives are like undertaking the board. Each agreement is a little task. It has a novel objective, expends assets, has a start and end date, and requires coordination and arranging of significant exercises, just as documentation in an agreement record all through the cycle.

What Are the Advantages of a Contract Management System for the Real Estate Industry?

Below we have mentioned the advantages of a contract management system for the real estate industry:

Contract Management System Advantages

1. Central Repository

A central contract provides more control and it also assists in getting more value from data. The central repository is a collection of data that is stored in existing databases. These databases are combined into one database so that they can be analyzed and shared within an organization.

When data is centralized, gathering information & organizing data becomes a little simpler job. Furthermore, through data centralization adding security is easier because it is a simpler task to add more security to a single robust database rather than working on 10 databases.

Moreover, the central repository enhances data quality, minimizes redundancy & inaccuracy, maintain asset & contract history. Overall, a better decision based on data analytics.

2. Compliance

Compliance is mainly related to legal implications specifically in the real estate industry. It is one of the main reasons for which the contract management system is used.

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Failure to comply as per the terms and conditions will be a violation & breaching of contract and as a consequence legal action can be taken by other parties. This can be a costly mistake.

Maintaining compliance is of the top priorities of a real estate-based organization. This is where a contract management system provides help. It alerts the responsible person about compliance as a result no violation or breach is done. It saves a lot of money for an organization.

3. Track Contract Lifecycle

There are hundreds of contracts in an organization. How will you know which contract is in which phase? It is impossible unless your organization is equipped with contract management. You can know all the details about each contract including the contract lifecycle phase.

With the assistance of a contract management system, the lifecycle of the contract is managed proactively and effectively. The contract management system can help in significant improvement & upgrades in cost investment funds and proficiency.

An automated contract management system can restrict an association's risk chances by decreasing missed obligations.

Some of the systems alert the responsible person and update them to manage renewals. It also alerts when a contract terminates and so on.

4. Create Value

The contract management system adds value to the organization by providing automated alerts. It also provides detailed reports that are effective in finding the problem and potential area of improvement and most importantly setting future goals and decision-making processes.

Once there was a time when employees need to upload several times the same contract for different vendors. But with this software, the employee needs to do it for one time only. Because this system creates a platform where data is centralized and employees can access & upload information at per their level.

It saves employees from hard work and emphasizes smart work. Moreover, data duplicity is also reduced & provides deep visibility of data.

A contract management system helps in assessing compliance. For example, suppose you are using software that is expiring today & you are unaware of it. And tomorrow audit is occurring & during an audit it is found that you are using an expired software.

This is against government rule and now you will have to pay a fine as per the law and order. However, this whole scenario will be changed with this software! As it will alert about software and you will renew software. So, this is how this software adds value to the organization.


An effective contract management system can assist you to maximize value. For organizations that deal with contracts & agreements, asset management, and tracking software is a must.

Many businesses rely on a spreadsheet which is not an effective tool for contract management. One can manage few contracts on a small level but when companies grow when you have contracts in abundance it will be impossible to keep track.

Overall, the contract management system adds value to the organization and saves you a lot of money.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. Does contract count as an asset?

Yes, a contract is also a type of asset, for maintaining it, asset management software can be used.

2. What are the steps involved in contract lifecycle management?

Contract lifecycle management includes several stages such as:
1. Contract preparation
2. Authoring
3. Discussion about workflow
4. Negotiation
5. Approval
6. Execution
7. Repository compliance
8. Contract Renewal/Termination

3. What is the contract lifecycle?

According to Wikipedia,  “Contract Lifecycle Management is the proactive, methodical management of a contract from initiation through award, compliance, and renewal. Implementing CLM can lead to significant improvements in cost savings and efficiency.”

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