
Asset Management System: A Need for Modern Schools

Asset Management System for Modern Schools

Educational institutions, from grammar school to vocational tech, from medical schools to law schools all require to manage and maintain their records, keep them up to date on all their fixed assets and inventory.

Public schools' districts, private schools, and higher education institutions have a responsibility to manage their inventory and assets properly, because of the stakeholders involved.

Highlighting Features of Asset Management and Tracking to be followed in Educational Institutions

  • Track all educational assets through tag location
  • Check the active and inactive states of the asset
  • Track serial number and model number through asset tag scanning
  • Allowed to rename asset data field
  • A custom field can be created for asset form
  • Assign equipment categories
  • Standard reports for depreciation
  • Import/export data as PDF, Excel, Word, etc.
  • Maintain asset cost records
  • Scheduled maintenance of assets
Asset Management Features for Educational Institutions
Also Read: Enhancing productivity by keeping track of spare parts with your assets

Expectations that can be completely fulfilled with Asset Management System for Schools

As it is known that schools or any of the educational institutions have numerous items in stock. The asset management system for school provides the ability to keep log and record every equipment of your school through school inventory management software.

The software needs to be simple, smart, effective, and should give access to real-time data. This access should be given to unlimited users at any location so that they can carry audits & compliance checks, add a new asset, report of damaged equipment all from our asset infinity's mobile app.

The benefits of Asset Management System for Schools

1. Flawless School Activities

It is necessary that the teachers and students should get the required assets whenever and wherever they need them. For this, a complete listing of all the required assets is to be created and then arranged, to run properly.

To help you more, the availability calendar feature is also present, to check if the asset is available on the day you need it.

2. Smooth Inventory Management

You should always plan your asset stock in advance to get in a better position to draft its required budget in the future. Doing this, a lot of last-minute additional costs can be avoided which are associated with asset shortage.

You can also make automated purchase orders with asset management software to efficiently conduct your procurement practices. Through this, you can also keep track of all your stock orders and vendors at a single site.

Moreover, you can also set the minimum threshold of asset quantity for frequently used items, this way your inventory will never go understock.

3. Availability of Accurate Data

School is the place where it is possible to misplace things on a regular basis. The items can be anything from a laser pointer to a chalk box. These lost assets need to be located before the beginning of class, as it will raise productivity as well as it will allow teachers to carry out their classes without any difficulty.

Asset management software provides you with the centralized platform which will update your inventory items instantly. The system will help you with check-in and check-out option so that you never fall short of any asset-related information.

4. Routine Maintenance

The most common restriction faced in the education sector is the equipment downtime. It would have happened to you many times that the projector might have stopped working or the speakers went off at some point in time during the lecture. This would have you being helpless and wait until the problem was fixed.

The school inventory management system allows you to plan the maintenance events in advance. You can schedule the maintenance activities and their alerts to alarm you when the repair of an asset is due. Through this routine maintenance, you would easily cut off some costs.

Moreover, this will allow you to keep all the assets in good condition so that they will carry out events and workflows effortlessly.

5. Reliable Reporting

The education sector is considered public so expected to keep and put their data together, accurately, and precisely about their assets. Through this asset tracking management software, all the process is automated, you don't have to enter the data manually in spreadsheets.

Through the automated process, reports can be created and customized according to the school's target which is directly sent to the specific administrators at a specific time. This automated process serves efficient, reliable reports, avoiding all human errors.

Also Read: 5 Most Common CMMS Software Mistakes That a Company Does

The Approach of Modern Asset Management and Tracking for Schools

  • Modern solutions are constructed by specifically keeping end-user in mind.
  • They provide your school, all the needed functionality through an automatic plan which will include mobile access as well.
  • You can access the asset management software whenever and wherever you need by following a few simple steps.

Purchase device license > Download App > Complete Common Management Tasks*

(*Common management tasks will include asset creation, check-in and out, disposal, and audit)

Why Asset Infinity for your School's Asset Tracking and Management System?

Asset Infinity provides you with the asset tracking system which uses barcode as unique identity tags to accurately track the resources like laptops, tablets, furniture, tools, and lab equipment of your school.

Asset Infinity helps you save money, time, and increase accountability with quick access to where about of your assets.

Our company gives you the following features in its Asset Tracking System:

1. Asset Tracking

  • Track Unlimited Assets
  • Allow Import/Export of Asset Data
  • Thorough Asset Information with Serial number, Model number, etc.
  • Attached photos and documents with Assets
  • Track Asset Depreciation and Warranty

2. Reports

  • Convert Reports directly to PDF
  • E-mail reports
  • Assignments and History Reports
  • Point Notification
  • Depreciation and Value Reports
  • Perform Audits

3. Check-In/Check-Out

  • Check-Out Assets to location, employee or member
  • Easy Check-In by Asset Tags
  • Easy Identification of Assets through Asset Tags

4. Asset Maintenance

Also Read: What is IT Asset Management and why is it important?


School asset management system, traditionally or has always been a massive chore being expensive, time-consuming, and not always systematic. Therefore, there is a need for a system like asset tracking to earn high grades in ease of use, accuracy, and performance.

Through Asset Management System it gets very easy to get complete control over every data recorded either new fields are added, or any asset is replaced, you can manage things quickly.

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